Heifers For Sale
The North Canadian Red Angus cow herd is being transformed from a large frame cow, mostly Black Angus, to a medium-frame Red Angus cow herd. We have purchased some of the best Red Angus bulls sold at the Pharo bull sales. We also purchased one of their top quality Herford bulls so we can produce red baldies.
The North Canadian Red Angus cow herd of 320 cows is currently about half Red Angus and half Black Angus and Black Angus cross. All of these cows are being exposed to our Pharo bulls. The goal is to produce a medium-frame, deep bodied cow weighing in the 1,050-1,150 range that cannot only survive on the grass and forage grown in our pastures and range land, but thrive on them with very little supplemental input. Research shows that stocking rate is a critical factor in a profitable cow/calf operation. Research also shows that you can stock significantly more medium-frame cows then large frame cows. The result is more pounds of beef per acre. More calves always trump big calves in total weight.
Our bulls are selected with foot soundness, udder soundness, fleshing ability, disposition, and even fly resistance so these traits can be passed on to their offspring. Pharo Cattle Company is perhaps the only registered bull producer screening for fly resistance. The heifers produced will be bred to high quality, five star Pharo bulls. Calving ease will be guaranteed. Easy keeping medium-frame cows will always produce more pounds per acre than large frame cows due to increased stocking rate.
Produce More Pounds per Acre & Spend Less Money per Cow with Easy-Keeping Medium-Frame Cows Buy North Canadian Red Angus Heifers.