Red Angus Pharo Genetics
Here at North Canadian Red Angus we are in the process of changing out our cow herd with Red Angus Pharo genetics. The pic of a single heifer is one we just weaned the first calf off of. She is weighing around 1000 pounds. The pic of two heifers we just turned out with the herd will have their first calves in the spring. They are weighing around 800 right now.
Our goal is to develop deep bodied cows that weigh 1050-1150 as a five year old mature cow. We want easy fleshing animals that require a minimum of inputs from us. With the cost structure today you cannot afford to spend a lot of money on hay and protein to keep your cows in reasonable shape. In a drought as we are in at the present time this becomes even more important.
Early maturing and easy fleshing cows are a no brained folks. We will have several of the one half Pharo heifers for sale next December at our annual sale held at the Geary Okla Livestock Auction, Geary Oklahoma.