Heifer development.
I read an article today on heifer development. The common thinking, as indicated in this article, is that reproduction is not a very heritable trait. The suggestion was that you should focus on your bulls since it is unlikely you can increase reproduction through genetics in the cow herd.
We would take serious issue with this kind of thinking. Reproduction is a function of nutrition more that anything else. This is one of the reason the Pharo genetics focus on 3 and 4 frame animals with deep bodies and shorter legs as well as a larger rumen. This type of animal is known to be an easy fleshing animal. These traits also contribute to the ability of the animal to thrive on low grade standing forage without the benefit of outside inputs.
We believe you can absolutely improve the reproduction in your herd by focusing on Pharo influenced heifers. By doing this you will also improve the ability of your cows to take care of themselves rather than depending on you to take care of them.
These traits are becoming more important day by day as the cost of inputs soar. Our next annual production sale is in December of this year at the Geary Okla. Livestock Auction. Hope to see you there. You can bid via phone if you like.